Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40998991 ingv)
Region: Zona Chianti - 2024-12-08 03:12:09 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241208031209
Posted on: 2024-12-19 14:48:00


Seismic Moment (Log): 12.26 ± 0.29
Radiated Energy (Log): 6.44 ± 0.43
Moment Magnitude MW: 2.11
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 1.70 ± 0.22
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 4.83e+4

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
LOCA IV HH 26.5 1.8 0.071390 0.160000 0.070550 0.001261 0.001381 0.070550 11.95 6.33 X
ARCI IV HH 35.9 1.7 0.009839 0.023040 0.026440 0.000191 0.000409 0.026440 12.65 7.31 X
CSNT IV HH 39.5 2.0 0.037750 0.049900 0.055720 0.000590 0.001159 0.055720 - - X
CAFI IV HH 43.6 1.5 0.005009 0.008797 0.009350 0.000145 0.000175 0.009350 12.38 6.32 X
RIBO IV EH 44.3 1.3 0.005520 0.005024 0.006275 0.000107 0.000115 0.006275 - - -
OSSC IV HH 45.9 1.8 0.006684 0.011290 0.009338 0.000125 0.000242 0.009338 12.24 6.20 X
SACS IV HH 49.5 1.3 0.002075 0.003208 0.002793 0.000043 0.000072 0.002793 11.90 - -
MGAB IV HH 58.1 1.7 0.004950 0.009508 0.007342 0.000101 0.000233 0.007342 12.01 6.20 X
CRE IV HH 63.4 1.7 0.002952 0.002968 0.002652 0.000074 0.000097 0.002652 12.60 6.32 X
ATMC IV EH 65.5 2.0 0.004367 0.009427 0.008801 0.000094 0.000305 0.008801 12.38 6.95 X
ATVA IV EH 66.1 1.6 0.003332 0.002853 0.002679 0.000062 0.000089 0.002679 - - X
ATMI IV HH 66.2 2.3 0.005273 0.008406 0.011740 0.000148 0.000407 0.011740 12.75 6.75 -
CASP IV HH 66.4 1.6 0.002190 0.003987 0.002778 0.000059 0.000101 0.002778 - - X
TSM4 IV 01 DH 68.3 8.0 27,240.000000 68,240.000000 53,040.000000 433.300000 734.900000 53,040.000000 - - -
TSM3 IV 01 DH 74.5 1.5 0.001991 0.003238 0.003655 0.000052 0.000065 0.003655 - - X
RUFI IV EH 75.7 1.6 0.000592 0.000943 0.002690 0.000028 0.000037 0.002690 - - X
ATLO IV EH 76.5 1.7 0.001220 0.002760 0.004416 0.000038 0.000067 0.004416 - 6.26 X
TSM6 IV 01 DH 76.7 1.5 0.002017 0.004791 0.003007 0.000035 0.000055 0.003007 - - X
TB02 IV 01 DH 78.2 2.3 0.005968 0.010210 0.009525 0.000132 0.000326 0.009525 - 6.90 -
ATVO IV HH 78.4 1.7 0.001075 0.001712 0.001829 0.000035 0.000057 0.001829 12.49 6.33 X
TB01 IV 01 DH 80.6 1.8 0.002637 0.011010 0.010320 0.000136 0.000142 0.010320 - - X
ATPI IV EH 80.7 1.7 0.000643 0.001347 0.001138 0.000022 0.000066 0.001138 - 6.28 X
PARC IV HH 81.4 1.7 0.001853 0.002029 0.001230 0.000050 0.000066 0.001230 12.34 6.20 X
RINC IV EH 81.6 1.5 0.000894 0.000900 0.001386 0.000028 0.000045 0.001386 - - X
TSM2 IV 01 DH 85.2 1.4 0.001131 0.002543 0.001892 0.000018 0.000033 0.001892 - - X
ATPC IV HH 86.1 1.8 0.001264 0.002247 0.002553 0.000037 0.000081 0.002553 12.30 6.12 X
BOSL IV HH 86.5 1.5 0.001246 0.001794 0.001371 0.000059 0.000039 0.001371 - - X
APEC IV HH 87.3 1.9 0.002046 0.002667 0.001881 0.000041 0.000082 0.001881 - 6.37 X
SFI IV EH 87.8 1.5 0.000644 0.000758 0.000893 0.000019 0.000024 0.000893 - 6.29 X
VMGN IV HH 88.7 1.7 0.001258 0.002621 0.002490 0.000153 0.000110 0.002490 - - X
TSM1 IV 01 DH 92.1 1.3 0.001208 0.001306 0.001543 0.000017 0.000031 0.001543 - - X
ATCC IV EH 93.4 2.0 0.001250 0.002120 0.002442 0.000053 0.000062 0.002442 6.37 X
TSM5 IV 01 DH 96.8 7.5 39,880.000000 3,411.000000 19,920.000000 51.990000 37.360000 19,920.000000 - - -
SEI IV HH 100.2 2.1 0.001208 0.001514 0.004228 0.000161 0.000112 0.004228 - 7.39 X
ATSC IV EH 101.2 2.3 0.003508 0.003119 0.002653 0.000345 0.000508 0.002653 - - -
SSFR IV HH 109.0 1.8 0.002290 0.002633 0.004051 0.000020 0.000036 0.004051 11.85 5.52 X
SNTG IV HH 118.0 2.1 0.001155 0.001627 0.002398 0.000109 0.000085 0.002398 - - X
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.