Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40993641 ingv)
Region: Bacino di Sulmona - 2024-12-07 05:36:08 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241207053608
Posted on: 2024-12-19 15:13:02


Seismic Moment (Log): 13.32 ± 0.27
Radiated Energy (Log): 7.90 ± 0.39
Moment Magnitude MW: 2.81
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 2.65 ± 0.22
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 1.20e+5

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
BSS IT HG 22.2 3.2 1.959000 3.366000 2.500000 0.017600 0.040950 2.500000 - - -
SULP IT HG 23.4 3.1 0.589600 0.889900 0.826200 0.010660 0.017040 0.826200 13.80 8.74 X
SUL IT HN 23.5 2.6 0.599900 0.687200 0.675200 0.006323 0.008250 0.675200 13.28 7.88 X
SULA IT HN 23.8 3.2 0.653800 0.517500 0.931900 0.006925 0.014910 0.931900 13.17 7.79 -
SULC IT HN 24.0 2.9 0.714900 0.344200 0.398700 0.008761 0.009375 0.398700 13.07 7.76 X
SCF IT HG 26.3 3.7 2.944000 4.794000 5.780000 0.046780 0.089800 5.780000 14.40 9.57 -
INTR IV HH 27.5 2.9 0.443900 0.606300 0.448800 0.006760 0.010980 0.448800 13.47 8.08 X
CPS IT HN 27.9 2.7 0.698600 0.599200 0.572300 0.007914 0.011150 0.572300 13.16 8.44 X
GRD IT HN 32.6 2.7 0.227700 0.436500 0.615600 0.003627 0.005945 0.615600 13.60 7.36 X
SCN IT HN 34.6 2.6 0.149600 0.450200 0.323900 0.002342 0.008181 0.323900 12.98 7.56 X
LPEL IV HH 34.9 2.9 0.474900 0.440000 0.426900 0.008838 0.007032 0.426900 13.78 8.42 X
LDP IT HN 35.2 3.2 0.336600 0.348000 0.521100 0.008246 0.007373 0.521100 13.86 8.62 -
VCEL IV EH 35.3 2.9 0.088270 0.195800 0.217900 0.002637 0.005735 0.217900 13.58 7.94 X
FAGN IV HH 35.4 3.2 0.296700 0.173000 0.301600 0.009563 0.006224 0.301600 13.60 8.28 -
CDM IT HG 37.3 2.8 0.088480 0.073310 0.100300 0.002146 0.003110 0.100300 13.38 7.73 X
ORC IT HN 37.6 3.2 0.144100 0.336900 0.380100 0.002346 0.007298 0.380100 13.87 8.19 -
BRS IT HG 37.8 2.7 0.248900 0.281300 0.242700 0.004584 0.005319 0.242700 13.43 8.36 X
SDM IT HG 38.0 2.7 0.189400 0.197200 0.190600 0.002291 0.003707 0.190600 13.33 8.01 X
CLN IT HG 38.1 2.9 0.172000 0.311600 0.490700 0.003167 0.004584 0.490700 13.49 8.01 X
PSCZ IT HN 39.2 3.0 0.128200 0.276100 0.222600 0.002505 0.007888 0.222600 13.77 8.50 X
PENN IT HN 39.6 2.7 0.064920 0.095630 0.085270 0.001453 0.002522 0.085270 13.24 7.88 X
BTT2 IT HG 39.9 3.7 0.437200 0.465200 0.519600 0.015250 0.018420 0.519600 14.49 9.29 -
PGG IT HG 40.6 2.9 0.326600 0.328500 0.361100 0.005233 0.004794 0.361100 13.53 8.52 X
VVLD IV HH 44.2 3.1 0.089690 0.189800 0.195100 0.002615 0.005125 0.195100 13.88 8.50 X
PSC IT HG 44.5 2.7 0.072930 0.096930 0.090780 0.001307 0.002534 0.090780 13.16 7.70 X
BZZ IT HG 46.0 2.5 0.034050 0.043400 0.043920 0.000949 0.001116 0.043920 - 7.58 X
AVZ IT HN 46.5 3.0 0.090910 0.117300 0.082590 0.002622 0.003884 0.082590 - - X
GIGS IV HH 47.9 2.0 0.022250 0.037720 0.028320 0.000539 0.000637 0.028320 13.44 8.19 -
OPI IT HG 48.0 2.7 0.104600 0.192600 0.207800 0.001393 0.003275 0.207800 13.32 8.14 X
GSA IT HN 48.2 2.6 0.063540 0.156500 0.161100 0.001415 0.002814 0.161100 13.40 7.80 X
PTQR IV HH 48.6 2.5 0.058660 0.111500 0.101700 0.001689 0.001809 0.101700 13.51 8.39 X
ISG IT HN 48.7 2.6 0.176700 0.287900 0.173900 0.001844 0.003765 0.173900 13.20 8.15 X
GSG IT HN 49.4 2.0 0.023700 0.024090 0.024830 0.000449 0.000431 0.024830 - 7.60 -
AQU MN HH 50.8 2.4 0.017280 0.037040 0.036200 0.000473 0.000839 0.036200 13.39 7.80 X
CPCA IT HN 51.9 2.4 0.048560 0.065370 0.044730 0.000514 0.000879 0.044730 - - X
SPVL IT HN 51.9 2.6 0.033340 0.064510 0.079750 0.000920 0.001512 0.079750 13.27 7.93 X
ATRI IT HN 52.1 2.9 0.139400 0.265300 0.090670 0.001326 0.001927 0.090670 13.84 8.35 X
ALFD IT HN 52.2 2.5 0.050650 0.071720 0.094800 0.000731 0.001187 0.094800 12.98 7.72 X
SVCH IT HN 52.5 2.5 0.032010 0.042900 0.046050 0.000717 0.000870 0.046050 - - X
AQF IT HN 55.5 2.6 0.051240 0.062070 0.065960 0.000955 0.001225 0.065960 13.23 7.62 X
POFI IV HH 55.5 2.6 0.046260 0.051710 0.068500 0.001025 0.000873 0.068500 13.58 8.16 X
AQV IT HN 56.0 2.7 0.033700 0.110200 0.108500 0.000640 0.001909 0.108500 13.23 7.71 X
AQA IT HN 56.2 2.5 0.038980 0.083330 0.089620 0.000503 0.001103 0.089620 13.06 7.52 X
AQG IT HN 56.3 2.6 0.025880 0.045920 0.053060 0.000578 0.001045 0.053060 13.13 7.45 X
MVMN IT HN 56.5 2.7 0.067430 0.133500 0.130300 0.000760 0.002482 0.130300 13.38 8.37 X
SORA IT HN 58.4 3.2 0.108200 0.080770 0.160700 0.002236 0.003406 0.160700 - - -
RNI2 IV HH 59.0 2.5 0.015820 0.029540 0.043000 0.000385 0.000721 0.043000 13.12 7.67 X
PZZ IT HN 59.1 2.7 0.037270 0.064040 0.054250 0.000674 0.001551 0.054250 13.48 7.90 X
PZZ IT HN 59.1 2.7 0.037270 0.064040 0.054250 0.000674 0.001551 0.054250 13.48 7.90 X
AGNN IT HN 59.3 3.1 0.034850 0.048810 0.113700 0.009348 0.006701 0.113700 - - X
FLT IT HN 59.4 2.4 0.026240 0.028210 0.025880 0.000466 0.000657 0.025880 13.32 7.86 X
PZI1 IT HN 60.3 2.5 0.018150 0.028730 0.031370 0.000398 0.000769 0.031370 13.02 7.48 X
CMM IT HN 60.4 2.2 0.014580 0.011680 0.015240 0.000276 0.000243 0.015240 12.99 7.35 X
SCO IT HG 60.7 3.2 0.030560 0.041100 0.051800 0.001005 0.002803 0.051800 14.12 8.75 -
TERO IV HH 61.3 1.1 0.008026 0.000138 0.018080 0.000152 0.000002 0.018080 - - -
CAMP IV HH 61.9 2.1 0.005498 0.007406 0.005839 0.000187 0.000303 0.005839 13.11 7.72 -
SPD IT HG 62.4 2.5 0.013890 0.014140 0.015250 0.000522 0.000588 0.015250 13.34 7.54 X
ATN IT HG 63.7 2.7 0.021930 0.034200 0.028290 0.000638 0.000864 0.028290 - 7.67 X
ATN IT HG 63.7 2.7 0.021930 0.034200 0.028290 0.000638 0.000864 0.028290 - 7.67 X
PABO IV HH 64.9 2.2 0.003950 0.009608 0.003951 0.000161 0.000430 0.003951 12.94 7.19 X
LRP IV EH 65.4 2.7 0.029660 0.034490 0.102300 0.000559 0.000672 0.102300 - - X
GUAR IV HH 66.2 2.2 0.004226 0.007053 0.006313 0.000194 0.000272 0.006313 12.81 6.96 X
CERA IV HH 66.6 2.6 0.011590 0.018570 0.020080 0.000369 0.000622 0.020080 13.42 7.86 X
MIDA IV HH 68.2 1.9 0.009892 0.008385 0.008590 0.000145 0.000203 0.008590 12.69 6.83 -
FIAM IV HH 68.8 3.0 0.041830 0.044960 0.046370 0.001246 0.001125 0.046370 14.22 9.52 X
FRES IV HH 70.8 2.3 0.008705 0.016700 0.026370 0.000222 0.000238 0.026370 13.18 7.81 X
RM33 IV EH 71.8 1.2 0.001411 0.001869 0.001909 0.000025 0.000033 0.001909 11.81 5.50 -
TRIV IV HH 72.9 2.2 0.003145 0.003308 0.003399 0.000121 0.000203 0.003399 13.06 7.29 X
SMA1 IV EH 73.5 2.7 0.012730 0.013040 0.019850 0.000480 0.000408 0.019850 13.31 7.71 X
MCI IV EH 77.2 2.8 0.014250 0.023480 0.032000 0.000448 0.000815 0.032000 - 8.15 X
LIK IV 01 EH 80.3 2.6 0.008989 0.012810 0.012980 0.000384 0.000730 0.012980 - - X
MTRA IV EH 81.4 2.6 0.013390 0.019920 0.025970 0.000267 0.000653 0.025970 13.48 7.76 X
CERT IV HH 81.5 2.6 0.014060 0.009971 0.009349 0.000482 0.000287 0.009349 13.30 7.66 X
ASCOL IV EH 84.1 2.4 0.016930 0.021310 0.053480 0.000326 0.000467 0.053480 - - X
GIUL IV HH 87.5 2.5 0.005582 0.011270 0.010650 0.000200 0.000314 0.010650 13.42 8.05 X
ROSPO IV HH 88.8 0.8 0.001160 0.002299 0.000370 0.000015 0.000041 0.000370 - - -
SGG IV HH 96.8 2.5 0.003025 0.004622 0.003686 0.000120 0.000122 0.003686 13.07 - X
PDN11 ZO EH 96.8 3.0 0.009623 0.013090 0.015130 0.000243 0.000662 0.015130 - - X
MMO1 IV EH 97.5 2.7 0.006207 0.008946 0.010200 0.000284 0.000340 0.010200 13.26 7.73 X
SIB3 7F EH 97.5 2.4 0.014320 0.014130 0.019050 0.000173 0.000410 0.019050 - - X
SIB2 7F EH 97.5 2.2 0.005022 0.006642 0.006838 0.000092 0.000135 0.006838 - - X
MTCE IV HH 98.3 2.6 0.007299 0.004725 0.005546 0.000233 0.000267 0.005546 13.30 7.74 X
SIB1 7F EH 99.5 3.0 0.014530 0.021970 0.021450 0.000266 0.000529 0.021450 - - X
NRCA IV HH 101.3 2.6 0.022880 0.017920 0.027940 0.000456 0.000435 0.027940 13.12 7.35 X
GAVE IV EH 103.8 2.8 0.006069 0.011450 0.011080 0.000191 0.000348 0.011080 13.37 7.75 X
LATB IV EH 108.5 2.0 0.000946 0.000855 0.001176 0.000127 0.000178 0.001176 - - -
MELA IV HH 115.7 2.6 0.005328 0.016010 0.011020 0.000107 0.000202 0.011020 12.85 7.70 X
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.