Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40769701 ingv)
Region: Monti Cornicolani-Aniene - 2024-11-04 08:03:44 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241104080344
Posted on: 2024-12-03 16:22:31


Seismic Moment (Log): 12.14 ± 0.40
Radiated Energy (Log): 6.38 ± 0.56
Moment Magnitude MW: 2.03
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 1.78 ± 0.23
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 5.59e+4

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
TVL IT HG 10.8 2.2 0.312300 0.389300 0.389300 0.003396 0.009755 0.389300 - - X
MTCE IV HH 15.6 1.5 0.087660 0.134400 0.227100 0.001017 0.001503 0.227100 12.12 6.56 X
RMP IV HH 17.9 1.8 0.084560 0.095930 0.130400 0.002611 0.002263 0.130400 - - X
FRSC IT HN 18.9 1.7 0.093070 0.079000 0.092100 0.001645 0.001702 0.092100 - - X
CERT IV HH 19.0 1.9 0.095880 0.176400 0.170300 0.001548 0.002307 0.170300 12.49 6.75 X
PLS IT HG 20.6 1.6 0.109600 0.165900 0.130100 0.000863 0.001632 0.130100 11.59 - X
VIVA IV HH 22.0 1.7 0.066730 0.087840 0.106000 0.000902 0.000939 0.106000 - - X
RDP IV HH 22.2 1.8 0.030110 0.039360 0.029450 0.000767 0.001051 0.029450 - - X
MA9 IV HH 22.9 1.4 0.061380 0.044120 0.041070 0.000522 0.000348 0.041070 - - X
SAMA IV EH 25.2 -0.0 0.000568 0.000777 0.000920 0.000142 0.000083 0.000920 - - -
ALBL IT HN 26.9 1.8 0.113500 0.052710 0.085490 0.001113 0.000407 0.085490 - - X
SBC IT HN 27.8 1.8 0.083800 0.135500 0.074100 0.001445 0.001577 0.074100 12.52 5.94 X
VLL IT HG 29.9 3.0 0.608000 3.073000 0.310500 0.052610 0.086660 0.310500 - - -
RMMM IT HG 30.1 1.7 0.026390 0.081860 0.042680 0.001185 0.000762 0.042680 - - X
CSO1 IT HG 32.8 2.0 0.028770 0.033330 0.045810 0.000443 0.000707 0.045810 11.70 - X
MMP1 IT HG 37.9 1.6 0.023230 0.033910 0.027190 0.000211 0.000403 0.027190 11.61 - X
SRES IV HH 43.4 1.4 0.008284 0.008892 0.009300 0.000164 0.000183 0.009300 - 6.40 X
FLT IT HN 45.3 1.6 0.015540 0.012480 0.013430 0.000185 0.000201 0.013430 - - X
AGL IT HG 45.7 2.5 0.124000 0.181000 0.299300 0.001324 0.004356 0.299300 - - -
GRN IT 00 HG 45.9 1.7 0.012970 0.011560 0.020110 0.000244 0.000215 0.020110 - - X
GRN IT HG 45.9 1.7 0.012970 0.011560 0.020110 0.000244 0.000215 0.020110 - - X
GUAR IV HH 46.4 1.0 0.002102 0.002823 0.003343 0.000040 0.000061 0.003343 11.48 5.31 -
FIAM IV HH 47.9 2.1 0.027210 0.020110 0.021320 0.000358 0.000399 0.021320 12.81 7.67 X
FMG IT HN 47.9 1.7 0.008254 0.005944 0.005465 0.000541 0.000368 0.005465 - - X
LATB IV EH 50.7 1.0 0.001111 0.000732 0.001170 0.000190 0.000334 0.001170 - - -
LTA IT HG 51.9 2.8 0.768300 1.154000 1.064000 0.006602 0.009994 1.064000 - - -
PTQR IV HH 52.4 1.6 0.004624 0.004366 0.006736 0.000075 0.000095 0.006736 12.27 6.50 X
CTD IT HG 54.2 2.3 0.016550 0.024900 0.032020 0.000547 0.001261 0.032020 - - X
RIEM IT HN 54.4 2.4 0.065380 0.046610 0.048230 0.000879 0.001254 0.048230 - - X
GIUL IV HH 56.6 2.1 0.007297 0.014510 0.015830 0.000183 0.000352 0.015830 12.74 7.03 X
RIEV IT HN 58.6 1.9 0.054240 0.060790 0.070500 0.001292 0.000449 0.070500 - - X
TOLF IV HH 68.3 1.4 0.002497 0.014960 0.012740 0.000027 0.000098 0.012740 - - X
VVLD IV HH 69.5 1.5 0.003103 0.004143 0.004476 0.000052 0.000059 0.004476 12.11 - X
BARO IV EH 72.0 1.6 0.001972 0.002057 0.002218 0.000030 0.000047 0.002218 - - X
LRP IV EH 73.1 1.6 0.007395 0.009744 0.014240 0.000241 0.000149 0.014240 - - X
ARRO IV EH 73.7 1.7 0.006313 0.004229 0.005974 0.000125 0.000100 0.005974 - 6.64 X
CESX IV HH 78.8 1.8 0.002394 0.002993 0.002324 0.000058 0.000083 0.002324 12.04 - X
LNSS IV HH 78.8 1.8 0.002728 0.010030 0.008644 0.000040 0.000119 0.008644 - - X
POFI IV HH 80.0 1.3 0.000824 0.001478 0.001909 0.000025 0.000028 0.001909 11.98 5.88 -
GAVE IV EH 86.6 2.0 0.006477 0.008893 0.007862 0.000092 0.000202 0.007862 12.29 6.50 X
MOMA IV HH 100.2 1.9 0.001569 0.003379 0.003359 0.000041 0.000079 0.003359 12.37 6.44 X
NRCA IV HH 105.1 1.8 0.003394 0.006587 0.005787 0.000045 0.000091 0.005787 - 5.90 X
CERA IV HH 108.2 1.7 0.000739 0.001150 0.001730 0.000017 0.000034 0.001730 - 5.87 X
SIB3 7F EH 113.3 1.7 0.002231 0.002051 0.002378 0.000043 0.000048 0.002378 - - X
SIB1 7F EH 115.4 2.0 0.001421 0.002356 0.002479 0.000085 0.000086 0.002479 - - X
FEMA IV HN 117.9 2.9 0.004330 0.011960 0.011140 0.001384 0.001619 0.011140 - - -
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.