Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40710031 ingv)
Region: Monti della Laga - 2024-10-26 19:14:54 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241026191454
Posted on: 2024-12-03 20:07:58


Seismic Moment (Log): 13.17 ± 0.36
Radiated Energy (Log): 7.45 ± 0.56
Moment Magnitude MW: 2.71
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 2.47 ± 0.25
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 6.20e+4

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
CAMP IV HH 15.3 2.0 0.183100 0.106000 0.099480 0.002762 0.002420 0.099480 12.91 6.98 -
SMA1 IV EH 18.6 2.5 0.258000 0.340800 0.641200 0.005076 0.005816 0.641200 13.02 7.41 X
RM33 IV EH 20.9 1.8 0.096390 0.177200 0.144000 0.001215 0.002482 0.144000 12.41 6.40 -
GIGS IV HH 25.4 2.2 0.068720 0.143600 0.256200 0.001207 0.002269 0.256200 13.61 7.98 X
TERO IV HH 26.1 2.2 0.133100 0.357900 0.530800 0.001747 0.002422 0.530800 12.90 7.13 X
AQU MN HH 26.9 1.8 0.016320 0.037580 0.030380 0.000418 0.000727 0.030380 12.57 6.71 -
MTRA IV EH 28.0 2.9 0.514200 0.701300 0.987000 0.005888 0.012630 0.987000 13.66 8.14 X
LNSS IV HH 31.3 3.0 0.147200 0.477800 0.725100 0.003129 0.007570 0.725100 13.61 8.00 X
PDN11 ZO EH 36.5 2.8 0.219200 0.289500 0.266500 0.003254 0.005858 0.266500 - - X
FAGN IV HH 39.0 2.4 0.020740 0.023920 0.031460 0.000986 0.000932 0.031460 12.91 7.18 X
SIB3 7F EH 40.4 2.4 0.291900 0.248800 0.259300 0.002793 0.003045 0.259300 - - X
FIAM IV HH 40.7 2.7 0.034780 0.038930 0.041610 0.001137 0.001388 0.041610 13.77 8.79 X
ASCL VM HN 40.7 3.2 0.232400 0.201600 0.236800 0.029720 0.013600 0.236800 - - -
ASCOL IV EH 41.0 2.6 0.063540 0.202800 0.291300 0.001346 0.003310 0.291300 - - X
NRCA IV HH 41.0 3.1 0.922400 1.025000 1.422000 0.010360 0.013280 1.422000 13.76 8.52 -
SIB2 7F EH 41.5 2.3 0.178800 0.233100 0.231100 0.001225 0.002487 0.231100 - - X
MMO1 IV EH 42.2 2.4 0.085550 0.120700 0.086350 0.001574 0.001800 0.086350 13.07 7.51 X
SIB1 7F EH 42.7 2.6 0.136700 0.199300 0.207100 0.001770 0.003219 0.207100 - - X
GAVE IV EH 44.9 3.0 0.142800 0.232400 0.348800 0.002867 0.004912 0.348800 13.71 8.25 -
VCEL IV EH 45.3 2.4 0.023010 0.053590 0.047510 0.000757 0.001310 0.047510 13.23 7.32 X
MC2 IV EH 45.4 2.8 0.073810 0.159900 0.127100 0.001162 0.004536 0.127100 - - X
AMAD VM HN 50.4 3.4 0.178400 0.228600 0.208700 0.019130 0.014400 0.208700 - - -
ARRO IV EH 51.7 2.2 0.039460 0.023750 0.024850 0.000518 0.000521 0.024850 12.96 7.24 X
MF5 IV EH 51.8 2.6 0.030550 0.056680 0.058430 0.000708 0.001490 0.058430 - - X
OFFI IV HH 52.4 2.7 0.035030 0.083680 0.085390 0.001116 0.001850 0.085390 13.12 7.45 X
FEMA IV HN 55.2 2.8 0.117500 0.181700 0.158600 0.001594 0.002764 0.158600 13.57 8.05 X
SRNA VM 01 HN 56.5 3.4 0.258700 0.369200 0.356700 0.018510 0.022690 0.356700 - - -
GUMA IV HH 59.2 2.8 0.035950 0.068690 0.061010 0.000936 0.001510 0.061010 13.03 7.35 X
PTQR IV HH 60.7 1.8 0.002532 0.002182 0.003268 0.000099 0.000130 0.003268 12.66 7.03 -
FDMO IV HH 60.9 2.7 0.048960 0.047390 0.067600 0.001049 0.001211 0.067600 13.70 8.20 X
CSP1 IV EH 63.9 2.8 0.067920 0.115500 0.118100 0.001156 0.002225 0.118100 - - X
CESI IV HH 65.2 2.7 0.036620 0.109100 0.073100 0.000742 0.002298 0.073100 13.73 8.39 X
CESX IV HH 66.1 2.2 0.005940 0.009632 0.007255 0.000115 0.000288 0.007255 12.83 7.22 X
MNTP IV HN 67.7 2.9 0.049600 0.054850 0.075390 0.000695 0.000882 0.075390 - - X
PF6 IV EH 68.7 2.3 0.055470 0.068120 0.148800 0.000593 0.000667 0.148800 - - X
MML1 IV EH 72.4 2.5 0.019220 0.043300 0.029450 0.000423 0.000951 0.029450 13.39 7.89 X
MOMA IV HH 72.9 2.7 0.029090 0.043750 0.049770 0.000601 0.000997 0.049770 13.39 7.91 X
MDAR IV HN 75.6 2.4 0.037500 0.055840 0.043370 0.001019 0.000885 0.043370 - - X
INTR IV HH 75.9 2.3 0.003710 0.005531 0.003948 0.000126 0.000299 0.003948 13.01 6.99 X
SEF1 IV HN 76.4 3.1 0.119400 0.045850 0.042750 0.016020 0.003246 0.042750 - - -
ASSB IV HH 81.3 2.8 0.025090 0.056560 0.040010 0.000402 0.000984 0.040010 13.42 7.58 X
GAG1 IV HN 81.9 3.2 0.054510 0.047480 0.062340 0.013120 0.005845 0.062340 - - -
SNTG IV HH 87.3 2.3 0.013890 0.015580 0.013340 0.000315 0.000382 0.013340 13.40 7.67 X
LPEL IV HH 88.6 2.2 0.004945 0.007082 0.006950 0.000111 0.000190 0.006950 12.69 6.94 X
EL6 IV EH 90.8 2.4 0.011010 0.021450 0.019050 0.000248 0.000360 0.019050 - - X
ATCC IV EH 93.6 2.7 0.007243 0.020010 0.012740 0.000212 0.000500 0.012740 13.29 7.56 X
CING IV HH 94.2 2.4 0.016480 0.035570 0.022670 0.000274 0.000462 0.022670 13.07 7.58 X
FOSV IV EH 97.8 2.3 0.006053 0.010230 0.008686 0.000135 0.000214 0.008686 12.92 7.29 X
MURB IV HH 106.2 2.9 0.010900 0.020060 0.015210 0.000323 0.000703 0.015210 13.18 7.60 X
TSM1 IV 01 DH 109.6 2.1 0.003034 0.010940 0.011200 0.000054 0.000136 0.011200 - - X
SSFR IV HH 110.7 2.8 0.014450 0.019620 0.020100 0.000230 0.000409 0.020100 12.95 7.42 X
MGAB IV HH 111.3 2.5 0.003903 0.009841 0.005350 0.000153 0.000298 0.005350 12.88 7.23 X
ARVD IV HH 112.1 2.3 0.012110 0.007239 0.010650 0.000175 0.000194 0.010650 12.82 7.20 X
ATFO IV HH 112.8 2.4 0.002897 0.005541 0.004634 0.000101 0.000188 0.004634 12.97 7.42 X
ATSC IV EH 113.1 2.7 0.020770 0.034030 0.028150 0.000302 0.000541 0.028150 - - X
BARO IV EH 114.2 2.1 0.001292 0.001100 0.001554 0.000057 0.000046 0.001554 - - X
ATLO IV EH 116.7 2.3 0.001502 0.003106 0.004258 0.000061 0.000094 0.004258 13.16 7.35 X
TSM2 IV 01 DH 119.2 2.3 0.001518 0.001863 0.001914 0.000046 0.000071 0.001914 - - X
FRON IV EH 120.7 2.3 0.003991 0.006847 0.006498 0.000078 0.000138 0.006498 12.97 7.07 X
TB01 IV 01 DH 120.7 2.3 0.003734 0.005217 0.004751 0.000098 0.000151 0.004751 11.69 6.97 X
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.