Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40615071 ingv)
Region: Vallo di Diano - 2024-10-10 13:14:10 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241010131410
Posted on: 2024-12-03 21:35:44


Seismic Moment (Log): 11.67 ± 0.37
Radiated Energy (Log): 6.00 ± 0.74
Moment Magnitude MW: 1.72
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 1.49 ± 0.21
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 6.76e+4

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
STN3 IX 02 HN 14.1 24.3 565,800,000,000,000,006,291,456.000000 279,799,999,999,999,985,319,936.000000 118,699,999,999,999,996,854,272.000000 2,263,000,000,000,000,000,000.000000 1,119,000,000,000,000,000,000.000000 118,699,999,999,999,996,854,272.000000 - - -
SRN3 IX 02 HH 14.5 1.8 0.070440 0.122200 0.143400 0.001139 0.003231 0.143400 11.84 6.96 X
BRN IT HG 15.7 1.6 0.101400 0.102300 0.083650 0.001199 0.002050 0.083650 11.45 5.53 X
ALT IT HG 16.2 1.1 0.017760 0.018670 0.017700 0.000321 0.000273 0.017700 - - X
BCN IT HN 19.6 1.2 0.014020 0.012700 0.012670 0.000670 0.000826 0.012670 - - X
TGN IT HG 20.0 1.4 0.030820 0.048800 0.037590 0.000423 0.000525 0.037590 - - X
SLC1 IT HG 20.2 1.7 0.063560 0.029640 0.030870 0.001598 0.001129 0.030870 - - X
CLM IT HN 21.0 1.9 0.075870 0.168200 0.114500 0.001235 0.002342 0.114500 12.08 6.52 X
SLCN IV HH 21.3 1.3 0.008855 0.011920 0.010240 0.000190 0.000249 0.010240 11.06 5.29 X
SGO IV HH 22.4 1.5 0.013450 0.026730 0.020300 0.000374 0.000635 0.020300 11.69 5.65 X
PGA IT HN 22.8 1.4 0.031400 0.045370 0.046640 0.001450 0.000713 0.046640 - - X
BEL3 IX 01 HN 22.9 1.5 0.006388 0.008502 0.010630 0.000244 0.000305 0.010630 - - X
MRN3 IX 01 HN 23.2 1.5 0.014430 0.011130 0.013990 0.000270 0.000368 0.013990 - - X
CDRU IV HH 23.6 1.5 0.014750 0.027750 0.059040 0.000291 0.000478 0.059040 12.02 6.90 X
PGN3 IX 02 HH 24.1 1.1 0.006987 0.014050 0.013940 0.000123 0.000238 0.013940 11.32 5.29 X
MRLC IV HH 25.7 0.8 0.002161 0.002995 0.002932 0.000034 0.000090 0.002932 10.92 5.27 -
PZUN IV HH 27.1 1.4 0.030520 0.061200 0.028380 0.000302 0.000554 0.028380 - - X
CMPR IV HH 34.1 1.6 0.006154 0.016880 0.011950 0.000129 0.000221 0.011950 12.03 6.87 X
MARCO GE HH 37.1 1.8 0.008106 0.013930 0.010670 0.000235 0.000380 0.010670 12.24 6.31 X
SNR3 IX 02 EH 37.8 1.6 0.004085 0.019360 0.017560 0.000103 0.000296 0.017560 - - X
VIGGN VD 00 CH 42.8 1.3 0.003034 0.002050 0.002671 0.000053 0.000078 0.002671 - - X
GRUME VD 00 CH 44.3 1.5 0.004572 0.005450 0.005563 0.000100 0.000143 0.005563 11.82 5.60 X
ACER IV HH 44.3 1.6 0.010880 0.008803 0.006602 0.000164 0.000173 0.006602 - - X
MLR IT HN 44.8 1.6 0.024600 0.010160 0.007462 0.000491 0.000428 0.007462 - - X
MGR IV HH 46.4 1.0 0.003619 0.004016 0.002830 0.000027 0.000046 0.002830 11.59 - -
SARSB VD 00 CH 46.9 1.7 0.007657 0.005700 0.005812 0.000104 0.000161 0.005812 12.00 5.64 X
COP IT HN 47.3 1.8 0.057910 0.115000 0.108000 0.001250 0.001046 0.108000 - - X
MMR7 IT HN 48.0 2.1 0.068670 0.047800 0.043430 0.000825 0.000708 0.043430 - - -
SARCL VD 00 CH 49.2 1.4 0.004017 0.004806 0.004152 0.000076 0.000118 0.004152 11.54 5.31 X
ARMEN VD 00 CH 49.3 1.4 0.002447 0.002163 0.002057 0.000041 0.000069 0.002057 11.52 - X
SIRI IV HH 50.1 1.6 0.002853 0.005812 0.006702 0.000063 0.000166 0.006702 - 7.11 X
SPINS VD 00 CH 50.9 1.4 0.006780 0.010230 0.007403 0.000058 0.000118 0.007403 - - X
SNAL IV HH 51.7 1.3 0.001452 0.001180 0.001797 0.000070 0.000044 0.001797 - - X
TRO IT HN 52.3 1.5 0.017490 0.026630 0.019430 0.000148 0.000150 0.019430 - - X
MONTM VD 00 CH 52.7 1.1 0.001414 0.000983 0.001228 0.000023 0.000035 0.001228 - 4.85 X
BSA IT HN 54.8 2.1 0.050170 0.077490 0.073560 0.000852 0.002095 0.073560 - - -
BULG IV HH 54.9 1.5 0.001217 0.003750 0.002483 0.000030 0.000120 0.002483 - 6.90 X
CSA7 IT HN 58.2 2.0 0.053990 0.042010 0.076350 0.003498 0.000556 0.076350 - - X
SCHR IV EH 60.4 1.2 0.001390 0.002146 0.002513 0.000018 0.000038 0.002513 - - X
MIGL IV HH 76.8 2.2 0.003087 0.002933 0.002987 0.000141 0.000512 0.002987 - - -
AMUR IV HH 98.6 1.6 0.000674 0.000934 0.000662 0.000047 0.000043 0.000662 - - X
SALB IV HH 101.5 1.4 0.001578 0.008330 0.003606 0.000025 0.000045 0.003606 - - X
CCAP IV EH 117.8 8.3 253.400000 65.030000 3,604.000000 593.700000 306.400000 3,604.000000 - - -
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.