Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40603561 ingv)
Region: Promontorio del Gargano - 2024-10-09 09:22:46 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241009092246
Posted on: 2024-12-03 21:36:22


Seismic Moment (Log): 13.37 ± 0.42
Radiated Energy (Log): 8.49 ± 0.58
Moment Magnitude MW: 2.84
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 2.71 ± 0.24
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 4.22e+5

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
RDG IT HG 18.2 3.2 2.631000 5.669000 4.853000 0.027500 0.075120 4.853000 14.33 9.64 -
SDG IT HN 19.9 2.3 0.207800 0.580700 0.410900 0.002081 0.005930 0.410900 - X
SNN IT HG 20.4 2.7 1.062000 1.601000 1.443000 0.013330 0.017630 1.443000 13.55 9.01 X
TREM IV HH 21.5 2.7 0.289700 0.285000 0.332500 0.006180 0.007346 0.332500 13.40 8.18 X
OT14 OT HH 21.5 2.6 0.212200 0.513100 0.533400 0.003512 0.008191 0.533400 13.49 8.28 X
SGRT IV HH 27.0 2.3 0.066200 0.132100 0.127700 0.001072 0.002107 0.127700 12.59 7.62 X
APRC IV HH 28.7 2.4 0.156100 0.318600 0.317400 0.002320 0.004880 0.317400 12.99 8.53 X
LSN IT HG 31.2 2.7 0.322900 0.481500 0.546700 0.002954 0.006683 0.546700 13.28 8.66 X
OT03 OT EH 31.3 2.7 0.470500 0.719100 0.821400 0.005871 0.009221 0.821400 - - X
OT04 OT EH 31.5 2.0 0.005880 0.541600 0.060130 0.000071 0.005981 0.060130 - - -
SGD IT HN 31.7 2.9 0.473200 2.592000 2.926000 0.005486 0.021650 2.926000 13.74 9.54 X
OT06 OT EH 34.9 2.8 0.400400 1.343000 0.983700 0.004493 0.014720 0.983700 - - X
MSAG IV HH 36.3 2.4 0.104500 0.108900 0.113900 0.001781 0.002074 0.113900 12.65 7.72 X
OT05 OT HH 37.5 2.4 0.082000 0.126900 0.165800 0.001278 0.001926 0.165800 13.07 7.66 X
MNG IT HN 39.3 2.7 0.179000 0.251300 0.252200 0.003058 0.002685 0.252200 12.81 8.43 X
OT07 OT EH 41.1 2.6 0.377700 0.383700 0.389500 0.003256 0.004053 0.389500 - - X
VIE IT HN 41.9 3.7 0.779500 3.597000 2.790000 0.013250 0.068970 2.790000 - - -
SSR IT HN 42.1 2.9 0.308300 1.018000 0.818400 0.004544 0.013450 0.818400 13.37 9.21 X
MND IT HG 42.6 2.7 0.226500 0.198000 0.332200 0.003034 0.004770 0.332200 13.48 8.35 X
MNN IT HN 43.8 3.1 0.295200 0.516500 0.624200 0.005842 0.010700 0.624200 13.57 8.63 X
OT12 OT HH 43.9 2.4 0.068590 0.080800 0.088690 0.001560 0.001958 0.088690 13.03 7.60 X
OT16 OT HH 46.2 2.0 0.050830 0.039090 0.053940 0.000595 0.000577 0.053940 - 7.36 -
MELA IV HH 56.0 3.1 0.245100 0.192100 0.174000 0.002467 0.004167 0.174000 13.60 8.69 X
FOGG IT HN 59.9 2.9 0.099750 0.184800 0.228700 0.001684 0.002309 0.228700 13.68 8.51 X
OT11 OT HH 60.3 3.1 0.267900 0.207100 0.163600 0.003255 0.004325 0.163600 14.09 8.93 X
ROSPO IV HH 68.2 0.3 0.002539 0.001640 0.000620 0.000024 0.000020 0.000620 - - -
MOCO IV HH 81.6 2.6 0.014420 0.009820 0.014640 0.000290 0.000281 0.014640 13.47 8.81 X
GATE IV HH 83.3 3.1 0.019900 0.021830 0.024470 0.000840 0.001296 0.024470 14.06 8.89 X
CAPA IV HH 93.0 3.0 0.036830 0.057070 0.048380 0.000664 0.001253 0.048380 13.28 8.40 X
SGTA IV HH 98.6 2.8 0.012380 0.017720 0.016610 0.000287 0.000478 0.016610 13.25 8.49 X
SACR IV HH 104.6 2.7 0.005783 0.009762 0.008755 0.000197 0.000322 0.008755 13.14 8.33 X
MRVN IV HH 111.6 2.9 0.027510 0.054470 0.045270 0.000517 0.000841 0.045270 13.28 9.31 X
PSB1 IV HH 111.9 2.5 0.008609 0.005318 0.006370 0.000182 0.000179 0.006370 - 8.05 X
PALZ IV HH 118.4 2.9 0.026300 0.020130 0.033510 0.000442 0.000385 0.033510 12.94 8.34 X
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.