Rapid Determination of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy - Region: Central Italy  Event List

Earthquake Location (from: INGV id: 40586791 ingv)
Region: Campi Flegrei - 2024-10-06 18:02:15 (UTC)

Laboratory of Seismology (Distav, University of Genoa) - ID: 241006180215
Posted on: 2024-12-03 21:37:27


Seismic Moment (Log): 12.45 ± 0.55
Radiated Energy (Log): 6.12 ± 1.06
Moment Magnitude MW: 2.23
Local Magnitude ML IT16: 1.66 ± 0.27
Apparent Stress [Pa]: 1.49e+4

Station Net Loc. Chan. Hypo dist. [km] ML IT16 PGA Z [cm/s2] PGA NS [cm/s2] PGA EW [cm/s2] PGV Z [cm/s] PGV NS [cm/s] PGV EW [cm/s] Log(Mo) Log(Er) Used(1)
POZS IT HN 2.9 2.3 9.197000 13.190000 11.390000 0.128600 0.138300 11.390000 - -
CSFT IV HH 3.2 2.6 37.510000 51.140000 71.100000 0.215900 0.481700 71.100000 12.99 5.66 -
CPOZ IV HH 3.4 2.3 24.930000 18.910000 10.920000 0.186000 0.134100 10.920000 - - -
CPIS IV HH 3.5 2.3 75.460000 57.560000 56.130000 0.657900 0.400200 56.130000 12.07 4.87 -
CSTH IV HH 3.6 2.2 10.920000 16.300000 9.811000 0.102100 0.140200 9.811000 12.87 7.60 -
CAAM IV HH 3.9 1.7 0.504200 1.009000 2.073000 0.007749 0.010390 2.073000 11.96 4.91 -
COLB IV HH 3.9 7.4 524,400.000000 830,500.000000 440,200.000000 6,957.000000 6,182.000000 440,200.000000 - - -
CFMN IV HH 4.0 2.1 2.643000 19.120000 2.966000 0.027090 0.231700 2.966000 13.31 7.62 -
BAN IT HN 5.2 1.5 0.503400 0.312900 0.285600 0.003907 0.004753 0.285600 - - X
NAPI IX 01 HN 5.4 21.4 922,400,000,000,000,000,000.000000 1,183,000,000,000,000,000,000.000000 1,076,000,000,000,000,000,000.000000 3,690,000,000,000,000,000.000000 4,730,000,000,000,000,000.000000 1,076,000,000,000,000,000,000.000000 - - -
CMSN IV HH 5.5 1.4 0.158800 0.222400 0.179400 0.002838 0.003891 0.179400 - - X
CBAC IV HH 5.6 1.7 0.233500 0.477800 0.614100 0.004881 0.011230 0.614100 - X
CBAG IV HH 5.9 -9.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.239900 0.000000 0.000000 0.239900 - - -
CQUE IV HH 6.3 1.8 0.277300 0.294700 0.230100 0.004571 0.009547 0.230100 - X
CNIS IV HH 6.3 1.2 0.045050 0.036880 0.039240 0.001631 0.001255 0.039240 - - X
BCLI IT HN 6.8 2.2 0.405200 0.296900 0.253800 0.012670 0.012880 0.253800 - - -
NAP IT HG 7.1 1.5 0.129200 0.178600 0.162600 0.002758 0.007388 0.162600 - - X
CCAP IV EH 7.4 5.2 215.800000 23.960000 4,952.000000 406.500000 33.150000 4,952.000000 - - -
CMIS IV HH 8.0 2.2 0.080540 0.152200 0.202300 0.002774 0.009098 0.202300 - - X
MPCD IT HN 8.2 2.0 0.431200 0.807900 0.650900 0.007580 0.013530 0.650900 - - X
VBKW IV HH 24.7 1.5 0.005876 0.007376 0.007331 0.000163 0.000324 0.007331 - - X
CRTO IV HH 25.4 1.9 0.018790 0.019690 0.023220 0.000373 0.000729 0.023220 - - X
VTIR IV HH 25.7 1.2 0.006519 0.006310 0.008734 0.000125 0.000158 0.008734 - - X
MODR IV HH 39.9 0.7 0.000414 0.000806 0.000551 0.000018 0.000020 0.000551 - - -
VITU IV HH 57.1 1.7 0.000622 0.003486 0.001990 0.000029 0.000076 0.001990 11.77 5.89 X
AVHO IT HN 57.4 2.0 0.063280 0.058370 0.066930 0.000646 0.001385 0.066930 - - X
PSB1 IV HH 71.7 1.7 0.001040 0.001495 0.003126 0.000049 0.000083 0.003126 - - X
(1) Used for the local magnitude calculation

Credits and Copyright
RAMONES (Rapid Assessment of MOmeNt and Energy Service) service is designed, developed and maintained by the seismological group of the University of Genoa. The source parameters are estimated using features extracted directly from recordings, following methodologies developed through scientific collaborations between the University of Genoa, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ-Potsdam), the University of Naples, and the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).
If you use these data, please cite the original paper: doi:10.1785/0220200348
Reproduction is authorised only if the source is cited in a complete and comprehensive way.